Vallley Church’s Core Values

Stewarding God’s Presence

We believe our ministry is first to seek and know God through the intimacy of a deepening personal relationship and engaging with Him through His Word, prayer and worship. Thus, all other ministry is covered and emanates from His Presence.


Creating Healthy Family and Community

This is achieved through supporting each person, individual families and growing the larger Valley Church family. We are empowered people who are in covenant with God and with one another. We all have a part to play within this family, navigating our relationships in love, grace and honour.


Authentic Relationships

We value being vulnerable and real with God and with each other.



We value consistent respect for one another, and for leadership, both in word and in action. We recognise and celebrate the best in people, affirming that they are valuable and powerful.


Spiritual Transformation

We value the journey as God leads us into wholeness and the good that He has for us.


Active Faith

We value the risk of stepping out in God-sized steps to do what He has led us to do. We encourage giving testimony of all He has done, thus activating an even greater faith.


God-aligned Identity

We are people who live from God’s love and grace. We know who He says we are, and we live from that reality. We know that we are empowered people, who are all significant and have worth.


Kingdom Mandate

We have access to His Kingdom, and we join Him in bringing His Kingdom to earth.


A Supernatural Culture

By the power of the Holy Spirit we move in signs, wonders and miracles. We pray and believe for healing. We practice the gifts of the Spirit. We walk in the belief that nothing is impossible for God.


Joyful Generosity

We have been blessed in every way, so that we can be generous in every way to advance the Gospel. We joyfully give our time, compassion, talent and money.


God is Good

God is who He says He is; therefore we trust Him implicitly. This is the lens through which we view God and His Word.



He is the Creator God. We are made in His image to be creative, in many different forms, for His glory.


By remaining in Him and living out these values we impact the world around us, disciple nations and extend His Kingdom.